Tuesday, March 31, 2009

:: Lamp Makeover ::

Since both of my sisters get married, and my brother moved out from our Shah Alam house, both my parents get more boring and lonely, as i can't act like clown everyday to make them laugh and smile..Hahahahah~

So they tends to find more and more jobs to do, i mean household jobs. It ranges from moving the furnitures from its original location to other location, buying new accessories to decorate out hall and etc etc. Recently my mom had an idea to change part of internal house area to pub-area.

We used to have one hand-made tall table (which looks like pub table), being placed outside for us to sit during our chit-chat session. Now, the table was moved inside the house, and eats up some space. She even think of to buy 42" television to be hang on the wall, to make that particular area looks like mini bar area. =____="

So, too plain by only moving in the tall table and tall chairs, so she decided to change the lamp as well, to match. She did ask me to survey for her, so i did went to IKEA to looks for some. There are some expensive and cheap lamps, but toooooooooooo many designs. So i decided to wait for her to choose.

Mana tau, she so urge and get them already. =____=" My mom is a very "sam kap" person who MUST DIE DIE & FAST FAST do whatever she think she need to do or plan to do. So ended up, our hall changed / make over within 2 weeks.

I just manage to snap the lamps, will show the hall photos later....:)

1st hall lamp

2nd hall lamp

Small owner for the house,
Free Signature Generator


  1. my house also got minor renovation during CNY last time..
    all in 2 weeks time also.. =_________="
    because my brothers and i were all back, so there were enough "man power" to do things.

  2. but hor, my house left like 2 oldfolks, and me (young and innocent lady)..hahahahh~
