Sunday, March 01, 2009

.. My hair is getting longer ..:

Fuh~~~ It's been few months i've stopped cutting my hair, to let it grow long and grow longer and longer till the longest... :)

My target is to grow until my arm pit (ketiak), so i can start planning what i can do with my long but not too long hair. Curl it? Straighten it? Extend it?

It's been 3 years my hair remain short, and it's been 3 years save cost in buying those hair-clip, hair band, hair XXXXXXX.... I guess I need to save money from now onwards to buy those neccessity, when my hair grows longer and longer.

Shopping List
1) Hair Spray
2) Hair Gel
3) Hair Clip
4) Hair Band (rubber band)
5) Hair Band (cekak)

Hmmm, what else ah?......................

Year 2007

Year 2008

Year 2009

Waiting for your suggestion (curl, straghten, etc),
Free Signature Generator


  1. u look cute in short hair..

  2. Thanks, enough for being cute for 3 years... Now i want to upgrade to become lady-like = pretty.

    Normally, they use "CUTE" to desribe "not pretty--but not ugly" women/lady. =___="

  3. eh... maybe u can try long curl hair..

  4. Hmmmmm, big curl or small curl?

    Small curl looks like auntie oh, big curl canot last long....Dilemma again...ish ish..~~ And one time curl like at least RM300~ RM400..
