Thursday, February 12, 2009

..: D.I.Y Manicure ..:

At last, i manage to get my nails manicured! :p

I bought RM5.00 fake manicured nails from one Japanese Hot Market, named DAISO located in The Curve, Damansara. All of the items are on sale for RM5.00 each! Any long you can see it, the STANDARD price is RM5.

You can find anythings, really anything, I mean anything from this store at RM5 which include household appliances (broom, mat, carpet, pan, etc), souveniers (cups, wrapping papers, ceramics, flowers, boxes), garden appliances, and most importantly it has a rack which lines up many rows of of fake nail design.

I plan to buy one and have a try *tangan gatal to waste that RM5*. So i choose one of the box which contain 20 ...yes, no typo error...20 fake nails with different sizes. Maybe to ensure it fit the buyer actual finger size. It really have different sizes, some of it very big (maybe for fat girl), and some of it very small (for small kid) =___=". But in that 20, definitely there is a size which suits our finger.

And luckily i notice it does not include the glue which is used to stick the fake nail on our real nail. So, ended up i spent RM10 (RM5 for 20pcs of fake nails, RM5 for the glue).

So, are u ready to see the transformation of my NAILS??????



After - nice or not? :p

It's quite hard to type keyboard after having those fake nails on...Not typing as fast as normal, not as flexible as usual....Need time to get used to it..

Actually, there is advantages and disadvantages of having this ;

  • Advantages
  1. Save waiting time for the real nail to grow.
  2. Save time to trim the nail
  3. Save cost, as this fake nail only cost me at RM5!!!! As compare to those manicure/pedicure services which at least need RM30~ RM40
  4. Can train me for being polite in my daily activities, like typing keyboard or "korek" hidung! Hahahah! It will prevent me from doing it as convenient as usual. Need to do it slow & steady.
  • Disadvantages
  1. The glue will leave harden glue (similar to dried UHU gum) - need time to clean it
  2. Not suitable for those who need to type keyboard 24hrs a day. =__="
  3. Not suitable for those who are having IPhone, cause very hard to use the long nail to touch the screen. * luckily im not*


  1. Korek hidung ar? The nails can get into the lubang mehh? hahaha

  2. Can can.....My nose hole very big ma! So can go in...Will show you on my next post,how i korek hidung with it ok..heheheh!

    Just hope it won't drop and stuck in there!! :p

  3. Not suitable for those who are having IPhone, cause very hard to use the long nail to touch the screen. * luckily im not*

    Can you gimme ur iphone now? T_T

  4. Opssss..luckily I cutted my nails.. LOL!! so still cannot own my iphone LOL
