Due to global economic issue which is getting worse, Spansion cannot standz and decided to proceed with R.I.F (Reduce In Force) program, to reduce workforce.
Our MD annouces to reduce at least 35% of workforce in Spansion KL, to reduce around 300 employees from the factory. Gladly, they offered VSS (Volunteer SS - don't know what SS stands for), for any who had FUTURE plan...This is what our manager said!
So, i had a plan to get a better job, to join a company which will not having one week factory shutdown, so i can earn full salary, instead of getting partial of it because of FORCE LEAVE, and ended up with "negative" annual leave!
And i applied it at last, together with Hui Juin who also had a plan to get a long holiday...Hahahah! We submitted a day after the offer being announced, and waited with hope to get approved. So we can get compensation, and get to leave company immediately without even a day notice!
We waited and waited, we hope and hope, we pray and pray...My stomach feel sick since the moment i sbmitted the form. For your information, i will feel to "berak" if i feel kan chiong or anxious. But, actually there is no shit to poo. So poor me, for having that "pooing" feeling for at least 2 days.
At last the result is out! The result is....Jeng Jeng Jeng! Our applications were
REJECTED! Rejected without any reason from our manager! Rejected "terang-terangan"! =____="
Seriously, i hope my application to be approved, as i want the compensation....i want the immediate termination, so i can plan better for my better and brighter future..
Until now, i still hope my application to get approve somehow even though the dateline has passed. Maybe my manager will re-consider my application, and approve it with the sympathy. *dreaming* *she will not approve it*
I just don't get it, why she rejected my application. I had more than a dozen of reasons why i should be approved:
1) Because i want to leave
2) Because i have other plan
3) Because i need money
4) Because i hate canteen's food
5) Because i hate doing the same thing everyday
6) Because i want to wear nice high heel shoes while working (as i can only wear the ugly white "fake crocs" shoe now)
7) Because i want learn more new things/new technology out of Spansion
8) Because i want to get higher salary
9) Because i do not want to get retrench/layoff later (if the company goes bancrupt)
10) Because i want to get my ASS out of Spansion ( i think i mentioned twice! This shows how wish i to leave Spansion) *hahahahaha*
11) Because i don't think company need me as others
12) Because company can survive without me
13) Because nobody appreciate my existence in Spansion (and some of them even categorized me as "RUDE IT Staff") - so no point staying..
14) I think more and more reasons...But now too sleepy, cant think of any....
Pendek katanya, i'm damn dissapointed+angry+moody+mad+stress+)#%)*#^)(@#*^)(@#%)(#~! To cure my sadness, i bought alot alot alot of food from McDOnald while coming back from work today (after knowing my application was rejected).
I bought LARGE set of McChicken (with LARGE french fries, LARGE coke), one LARGE Choc Sundae, 4 pcs of Nuggets! I hentam all of them in 30mins! Fuhh! My stomach almost burst, as i need to rest for 1 hour before able to move my butt to take bath!
I feel abit better after that, and now starting to feel sad again, thinking that i need to go back to Spansion again, doing the same thing again, and even sad when to accept the fact that i need to give 2 months, yes! its 2 months NOTICE if i resign now...No more compensation, no more VSS, no more immediate notice! Argghhh~~~
By looking at the length of this post, it's proven how stressed and depressed i am to face the truth that I WAS REJECTED!! You're so cruel to me! *YOU* are so cruel to me!! Why?? Why?!!!! Why?!!! And you make me gain at least 1 kg today, because ate so much of foods! I hate you! I hate you!