Friday, September 26, 2008

..: The STAR METRO made a mistake ..:

NEWSPAPER, its a part of an education, its a part of a MUST material to help readers improve their knowledge. Even though i rarely read or *touch* newspaper, but i know some people cannot live without newspaper. Some of them read it in early morning, some of them read it during night, and some onf them don't read it at all *like me*.... However, no question about how important a newspaper in our daily life.

I try search google, defining what is "newspaper", and there are multiple definition that i found on the net.

"A newspaper is a printed periodical whose purpose is to deliver news and other information in an up-to-date, factual manner" -

"A publication, usually issued daily or weekly, containing current news, editorials, feature articles, and usually advertising." -

It explain how important a newspaper in delivering information to us! BUT BUT......i can't imagine how a newspaper/editor/writer made such a mistake in delivering information to everyone in Malaysia, ranging from small kids, teenagers, youngsters, old folks, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc....

METRO paper dated on 26th September 2008

Can u spot the MISTAKES made by METRO?

YES! You'r right! "HAIR RAYA???"....The hair on raya, or the hair will be used during raya, or the raya will need hair or new slang representing HARI RAYA?? Hahahahah~~

It's funny to see this, especially as the front page for the middle section *can consider main page also la*. Kids at home please do not attempt to use this word in your daily routine, as this ONLY for displaying purpose.

Friday, September 19, 2008

:.. "Hi, This is my name card" ..:

Fuh, it's been some time i've stopped blogging. Wondering why? Busy...Busy working..It's been 5 weeks continuosly working (Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday----and Monday again, TUesday again, etc etc etc). It was a tiring month for me. The activities seems endless, it will keep on bothering me.. I decided not to stresed myself too much. If i can finish it, it would be great. If i can't, just continue it tommorrow. I need time for myself, i need time to sleep, i need time to rest, i need time to chat with my parents, i need time to have breakfast with them, i need time for everything. So i decided to leave early today (7:00pm) and at least blog something to satisfy my loyal reader.

"Hi, This is my name card",now its my turn to say that, cause i got my 1st ever name card after i joined Spansion. Nothing great, but at least some memory to be remembered. My 1st name card leh, DON'T PLAY PLAY~~ *wink*wink*

Do you think it will look better with my face on the card? Then people will appreciate my name card, and will not throw it aside. Don't you think so? Can u imagine... Maybe like this ................


"Oh, so cute~~~~"
Or like this...

" Oh, so adorable!"

Last but not least...its the most cutest photo and for sure nobody will ever ever think to throw it away if i printed as this.......


"Oh, this is the best among the best!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

:.. Victoria Beckham new hair do ..:

Victoria new hair do

Victoria Beckham (a.k.a Posh) changed her hair do. Her "boob" hair do has been world trend for some time, and i wonder what change her mind to have a new style. Personally, i don't really like her new look, as it looks too boyish for her fashionable and trendy style. She must looks elegant to become fashion icon. But different people will have different opinion on her new hair look. But still again, i loves her former looks (similar to my style now)..hahahahhah...Yalo, Posh following my style! *shame*shame*

I have been following her style and stories from here closely, updating myself with her latest style and latest fashion updates. Her skinny figure make her look nice in everything, especially slim & tight long dress. I wonder when i can be as skinny (or slim i shoudl say) as her, so i can wear anything that she wear. hahahahah~~

I know its not the same, but similar pattern ok! *wink*wink* - Who looks better now? -_-"

Monday, September 01, 2008

:.. More Photos from Bangkok Night ..:

As blogged earlier, I went Bangkok for Wafer Map training for one week. Not only KL, but from all FMO which includes Spansion Penang, Spansion Suzhou, and Spansion Bangkok. There are trainers and there are trainees. We shared the same room for one week, we share the same type of breaks and lunch prepared, we share the same materials that were used for the training, we shared the same trainers, we shared the same hotel (Dusit Thani), we shared the taxi to office, and etc etc etc. And most importantly we share the same digital copies for the photos taken during the training. Let's have a wild guess, who's from Penang, Suzhou, KL and Bangkok!

Let's begin the quiz now.....



Ta-daaa~ The answer as above..

Cam-whoring with Suzhou team

It's Penang Team's turn

opsss...This one "tersesat" one, he's a trainee for FiRE training (Do we look like singing National Athem Song?)

Now it's BANGKOK turn, all the trainers!

More photos from Bangkok, taken outside Dusit Hotel's yard, before checking out upon last day in that hotel. Looks nostalgia huh? Actually, the lens of the camera was covered with fog, due to temperature differences early in the morning. But the outcome not bad huh??