Friday, August 01, 2008

.. Happy Wedding Day Hartinee ..

NG shot : Hello!??!! Where is the camera??!!

Us + the future bride + future owned microwave

Me with Hartinee + mock Microwave (printed on a paper)

Brand : Sharp, Model :R658LS, Compact Grill Microwave Oven

Hartinee, my colleague from Spansion is GETTING MARRY. She is from IT department as well, but from different division. She is from Infrastructure, where you can find her if your mouse not working,if your printer not printing,if your network not functioning, if your email hanging...etc.....

She will end her life as single lady as well, *thinking* why got so many people get married this year??? So we (IT colleagues + ex-spansioners) decided to buy her something for her wedding. After further discussion, we decided to buy her a microwave oven. It cost us RM499.00, shared by 10 persons = RM49.90 per person. Kah Wai bought it yesterday and pass to her end of today. So for memory, we capture the moment, the future bride and the future owned micrwowave.


  1. wei... so long not update ur blog leh...

  2. Yalo, no "Geng Chao" news to update! :p Be patient ya...

    I'll be back soon.....
