You must be wondering what is IISB or who is IISB or what the heck is IISB? Haha! you can try search Google or even try to ask Siri whether she know anything about IISB?
Actually IISB is my new company, and it stands for
BHD. I've been joining this company since July 2011. Hmmmmm.. *counting fingers*.. Ohhhhhhhh, almost close to 5months, entering half year being part of IISB. Isn't that fast? Felt like just joining this company like 1-2 months. But I've been through alot with this company eventhough it's just for such a short time.
I still remember for the second day joining this company, my boss brought me to meet customer, given me a task to prepare presentation slide in the first week itself.
After 2 weeks joining this company, I was given 3 projects to handle. Wtf! Will it be too fast bah? @.@ Thank God I manage to survive and thank God I manage to learn from it. I guess because of the struggle, after spending the effort in trying my best to learn from others, I was confirmed and promoted quite fast within 2-4 months time.
Nevertheless after being confirmed and promoted from application consultant to project assistant manager, the responsibility on my shoulders getting heavier, whereby boss will always keep you in the mails, regardless it's hot-burning cases or something that boss require you to follow up. Customers rushing for projects deadline, business partner rushing for user training, boss rush for timeline project plan, boss rush for weekly meeting, everything just rush and rush.
Anyway, I'm trying my best to cope and be myself in everything. *cross fingers everything will work out fine* OMITOTU!! ALILUYA!
Back to my journey with IISB, there were alot of milestone which I've marked in my memory being with all of them, all IISB's gals and guys!
Sports activityLet's start with the first activity that I can recall, Go Kart session with all of them. It's really fun, why? Since it's illegal to speed on the road, that's the only way we could push our pedal to the MAX without the worry of exceeding the limit and kena stop by "someone

and being asked for "duit

#1 Around 20-25 of us takes turn to play Go Kart under the hot burning sun! To add on, it was at 12pm... As a result, I got complimentary tanned-skin. Wtf!

#2 Me after 25 of continuous laps on the field, with sibeh smelly helmet!

#3 Happily laugh with the "gelagat" from him who always be the clown in the office! Hahaha!

#4 We even build something "unique" during the game-session. What do you think it looks like?
Answer to be provided at the end of this post. Haha!
Not long after that I was invited to the management retreat which was organized at Colmar tropicale, Bukit Tinggi, a 1 night stay trip. Basically this management trip is to discuss the goal and target of the company. Not sure why I was invited, they claimed I was talkative enough to give ideas. *Speechless*
Anyway, it was a great trip especially when we are away from office to enjoy easy breeze there.
#5 Yes, Management Retreat "Walking Towards The Future".

#6 all of the Bosses, HOD (Head of Department) and senior consultants and me!

#7 We also spent sometime to exercise, to sweat, to challenge each other by playing badminton over the sport house.

#8 Frankly, most of them are very playful, just like me. Adding me in, it make it even worst! Hahahaha!
Birthday CelebrationNot only that, as usual like other SME, IISB also organizing also of birthday cake blowing and cutting. No wonder I gained weight and the weight never comes down =_=
#9 celebrating their birthday .. Cost saving, 3 of them sharing a slice of cake. Once we get our bonus, we will get one full for you all! lol!

#10 See, once bosses are they, one cake for each of them! So luxurious birthday huh!
Farewell & Sports ActivityOk after celebration after celebration, back to out sports activities. We also arrange for quite some activities such ad karaoke singing, and Laser Tag games nearby our office.
Not only that, sadly to say we did a number of farewell as well, eventhough it's just as short as few months. Anyway, it's celebration also anyway,. =_=
#11 We drink together gather, shout together together, dance together gather.

#12 Ya ya.. As you can see 'memang shout de! Hahahahaha!

#13 ahahahha! Another guy who is shouting!

#14 Farewell for Janie, who joined us got 3 months.

#15 this game is sibeh fun and because of this, my knee has gotten into serious bruises!

#16 You see! How serious this is!! It took me 3 days to clear. Awwwww my beautiful leg... Hahahah!
Company TripMaybe I'm lucky enough, i will get the chance to join for annual company trip very time me joining new company. Last time, DSC I went to Bangkok&Singapore after half year joining, secondly went to Bangkok also with Faxcore after 3 months joining. Same goes to this company, went to Korea after joining company 4months. (wow!!! Korea! *you must wondering so shiok!!!). Ya, quite shiok because I manage to be confirmed before they confirmed the number of pax with travel agency.
So I do not need to pay my part. Another great thing, my babe is going with me. Yuhuuuu! Of course he need to pay his portion in traveling together.
#17 All of us taking group photos together gather.

#18 Of course me with babe taking dozens of photos!!!! Ok show one for you to see. Don't jealous wor ! Lolx!

And recently, very recent, we organized Christmas Party Celebration with "makan makan

" at office.
#19 Me with the small Xmas tree.

#20 See, look at hoe many food we have!! it's really alot isn't? Hahahah!

#21 Me with my colleagues.

#22 All of us feel so excited with gifts! Hmmm, I'm wondering which one is mine?

#23 Finally, time for unwrapping the gift. I got a coin-sundries container with interactive wind-mill. Thanks Najib!

#24 Me being me, whenever you see me, there you see PHOTOS! took quite alot of photos in every each of event. Hahahaha!

Fuhhhh! After 2 days if drafting, finally I guess I've covered much of the memories so far with IISB. Wow, so many things to talk and brag about eventhough it's just for like 5 months.. Wtf!
Anyway, hopefully we could mark more Memories and eventful events, provided mr yet to resign! Hahahahha!
Signing off,
Elaine Tam