Thursday, May 07, 2009

:: Jog for blogging too ::

Been stop blogging for last 2 days, as i do not have anything to blog. "Life is getting emptier", i agreed with this phrase *quoted by HuiJuin, so we must at least do something new everyday to make sure we had something to spice up our life. And most importantly, got something to blog about.

On Your Mark ~~~ Get Set ~~~ Go!!!

So, Hui Juin and I agreed to go and jog at our nearby garden, to burn the calories of eating
BIG plate of spaghetti this lunch. We both ate almost all of them~~ =___="

Our high calories lunch! Chicken-Mince-Spaghetti

To feel better mentally and physically, we die die must make sure each of us MUST KEEP OUR PROMISE and jog as planned. I get prepared, plan to walk to nearby park at 5:45pm but it still hot and sunny. Hanging and warming up in the house, for another 15minutes while preparing the equipments needed, which include mp3 songs, sport attire. Last but not least, camwhore before departing.

MP3 Songs, to keep me awake while jogging.

My sport attire, bergaya leh my pose! With peace some more!

My "gosen" badminton shoes, and now as jogging shoe

Reach park around 6:10pm and started to jog once stepping into the park's grass. There is a group of people playing football in the middle of the park. Without realizing in the beginning, there are azlso 3~4 aunties/uncles also walking/slow-jog on the same lane with me BUT, they are going opposite way.

Means i'm running towards them, they are walking towards me. By the time i realize it, i already jogged half round. So, i decided to keep running on their opposite way, to "jaga muka". *hahahahhahaha*

My leg started to feel numb, when i ran for the 1st round. My stomach-kidney-area started to pain. I started to feel exhausted, hard to catch breath for the 1st 5 minutes. But, pop/rock mp3 keep my rythm, and i manage to continue following the beat of the music. Step ~ by ~ Step...Seriously, listening to MP3 while jogging really helps.

Congratulate me, faster! i manage to finish 4 rounds without stopping (thank you for the mp3s'), and i manage to sweat and exercise for at least 13~15 minutes today! YYeeee~~~haaaaaa~~~ I guess its enough to burn at least half of the calories of spaghetti-plate *cross finger*

Smiling, even though still catching my breath! This is to prove that i really jog leh, no play play eh!!
Can you see my sweat?!??

One day down,
Free Signature Generator


  1. yeah.. i can see your sweaty face.. =.="

  2. can i pura pura ignrore below post ar?
    hahaha.. i just had my breakfast only.. =.="

  3. Hahahahhh~ very sweaty hor..this is to prove to Polly that i really go jog...not only taking the picture for the sake of "cheating" her...hahahah~

  4. Errrr...pura-pura not seeing/knowing it ah...hmmmmmm~~~ Can geh......
    But you can let your breakfast digested for few hours and see it before you go to your lunch..Hahahahahah~~~~

  5. :) hey,leng lui. Gambateh!
    I also hope can b like u so active in jog, but 4 me I'm not able to jog. I'm a lazy gal. >:o
    all the best!!

  6. elaine tam sook ling9/5/09 4:38 PM

    Mei...Thank you for your support.. I also hope this spirit is not "hangat-hangat tahi ayam" only..hahahah~

  7. Hi Elaine, I support you for jogging cause it's good for health plus losing weight and looks slim :)
    You should jog when you have free the way what is your height and weight?

  8. Hmmmm...."good for health plus <span style="text-decoration: underline;">losing weight and looks slim"</span> <-- does that indicate that i'm fat and not slim :(
    I had XX kgs for weight, and XX kgs for height...hahahahahah~ Some question popped to you "Are u herbalife Agent?" hahahahah~
